Physics of Star Formation: From Galactic scales to protostellar disks
- Beginn: 06.12.2022
- Ende: 09.12.2022
- Ort: Haus der Astronomie
- Gastgeber: Henrik Beuther

After two years of pandemic interruptions (2020 online, 2021 no HHSF meeting), this year we will have our 8th joint Heidelberg-Harvard workshop on star formation from December 6 to 9, 2022. The venue will again be the Haus der Astronomie.
As in the past, the conference will gather experts in star
formation from:
- Harvard University including the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
- The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA),
- The University of Heidelberg
- The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS)
as well as invited external experts.
The meeting will concentrate on the physical and chemical processes taking place over a broad range of scales, from extragalactic to individual star-forming regions, cores as well as protostellar disks. Evolutionary stages from the initial conditions for star formation to the end of the main accretion phase will be covered.
This workshop is partially supported by the SFB 881 program - The Milky Way System.