Alumni der Abteilung PSF
Alumni PSF
Prof. Dr. Daniel Apai
University of Arizona, Tucson
Prof. Dr. Beth Biller
University of Edinburgh
Prof. Dr. Tilman Birnstiel
Uni Sternwarte München
Prof. Dr. Bertram Bitsch
University College Cork
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Blum
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Prof. Dr. Joseph Carson
University of Charleston
Prof. Dr. Ian J. M. Crossfield
University of Kansas
Prof. Dr. Cornelis Dullemond
University of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Davide Fedele
Prof. Dr. Daniele Fulvio
Naples Obseratory
Prof. Dr. Bertrand Goldmann
International Space University
Prof. Dr. Joseph Harrington
University of Central Florida
Prof. Dr. Markus Janson
Stockholm University
Prof. Dr. Anders Johansen
Lund University
Prof. Dr. Jouni Kainulainen
Chalmers University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger
Cornell University
Prof. Dr. Sascha Kempf
University of Colorado, Boulder
Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuiper
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Hua-Bai Li
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Dr. Luigi Mancini
University of Rome
Prof. Dr. Christoph Mordasini
University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Ilaria Pascucci
University of Arizona, Tucson
Prof. Dr. Susanne Pfalzner
MPI for Radioastronomy, Bonn
Prof. Dr. Paola Pinilla
Prof. Dr. Sascha P. Quanz
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich)
Sarah Sadavoy
Queen's University
Prof. Dr. Katharina Schreyer
University of Jena
Prof. Dr. Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar
University of Dundee
Prof. Dr. Amy Stutz
Unversidad de Concepcion
Prof. Dr. Hongchi Wang
Purple Mountain Observatory
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wolf
Universität Kiel
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wurm
University of Duisburg