NYRIA 2025

  • Beginn: 22.09.2025
  • Ende: 26.09.2025
  • Ort: Haus der Astronomie
  • Gastgeber: Daniel Mortimer, Maximilian Häberle, Bhavesh Rajpoot, Jonas Sauter (supported by a scientific organising committee)
  • Kontakt: mortimer@mpia.de
NYRIA 2025
The 10th annual Network of Young Researchers in Instrumentation for Astronomy (NYRIA) workshop will be held at the Haus der Astronomie (HdA) and the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA). NYRIA brings together young researchers in the field of ground based, visible and infrared instrumentation. The workshop will see members of the community share their research, take part in tours and an instrumentation themed hackathon among other things. This 10th edition is particularly special as MPIA was the location of the first workshop in 2015.
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