Large Science Programs

ALMA antennas peer into the night at Chajnantor Plateau.
ESO/C. Malin
I am participating and co-leading a number of large science programs. I am a Co-I of the SPHERE planet finder instrument for the VLT and a Co-PI of the mid-infrared instruments MIRI for the James Webb Space Telescope and the MATISSE instrument for the VLTI. In addition, I am a member of the science teams of the VLTI GRAVITY instrument and the E-ELT METIS instrument.
Hat-South: Exoplanet Transit Network
MIRI @ JWST: Exoplanets & Disks
SPHERE @ VLT: Disks & Exoplanets
CID @ IRAM/ALMA: Chemistry in Disks
EDEN: Exo Earth Discovery and Exploration Network
WINE: Warm Giants with Tess Collaboration
PRODIGE: PROtostars and Disks: Global Evolution