Information for guests and newcomers
Coming to join us at MPIA as a guest or a new colleague? Welcome! These pages, courtesy of MPIA's International Office (IO), provide helpful information for guests and newcomers.

If you are planning to come to MPIA as a guest this must be on the basis of an invitation proposal by your host who has to be a MPIA employee. All visits require a host. So, the first step is to contact your host in order to clarify the details of your visit.
Please contact the International Office as soon as you know you'll be coming to MPIA (contact data on the right) - we're here to make your life easier!
You'll find links to helpful information in the menu on the left.
In addition, check out the guide Living and Working in Germany published by the Max Planck Society. The guide will help in particular non-German staff members to get settled in Germany and to cope with living and working in a possibly unfamiliar country.