Current paper releases and updates about the group will be listed here.
07/18 Computation Time on JUWELS cluster
Awarded 2.7 million core-hrs at the new JUWELS cluster at Jülich Supercomputing Centre to study gravoturbulent planetesimal formation. JUWELS begins operations on the 9th of July.
03/18 Joint Group Retreat in Todtnauberg
From March 6th-8th the group of Kees Dullemond at ITA Heidelberg and our group spent a joint retreat in Todtnauberg. 18 astrophysicists discussed their latest results and project plans to foster University / Max-Planck collaborations. Social highlights were a visit to the local Kegelbahn, a hike to the cascades and Cheese Fondue. The participants are grateful to the organizers Adriana Pohl and Hans Baehr.
03/18 New Group Members
On January 1st, Oliver Völkel joined our group to work on the "Observability of Gas Accretion onto Planets around other stars", funded by DFG Priority Program SPP 1992 "Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets". He was doing his master thesis in Tübingen with our former Group member Rolf Kuiper. On March 1st Vincent Carpenter started his PhD thesis on "Numerical Simulations of dust driven laboratory flows" funded by the DFG in a joined project with Gerhard Wurm from the University of Duisburg. Vincent did his master thesis with Wlad Lyra, former PostDoc in our group, at the California State University at Northridge. We welcome both to the MPIA and wish them a pleasant and productive time.
Bachelor/ Master Students
03/17 Upcoming Meeting
Atmospheres of disks and planets 2017 April 24 to 28 at Ringberg Castle.
02/17 DFG fördert unser Projekt:
"Die Streaming Instabilität, Photophorese und Planetesimalentstehung am inneren Rand protoplanetarer Scheiben” mit Prof. Gerhard Wurm, Duisburg, mit einer Promotionsstelle.
02/17 New paper
Find our current papers here.