
Detailed observations of the quasar 3C 273 with the GRAVITY instrument have revealled the structure of rapidly moving gas around the central super-massive black hole. Studying these black holes and determining their masses is an essential ingredient to understanding galaxy evolution in general. [more]
"AstroViews" is a video format in German language of the astronomical magazine "Sterne und Weltraum". The editorial team resides in the Haus der Astronomie at the MPIA campus. It is completely produced by Klaus Jäger, scientific coordinator of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA). [more]
The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg is one of about 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society. Scientists here use computer simulations and observations to study the formation of planets and stars, investigate the structure of our Milky Way system and the evolution of other distant galaxies in a cosmological context. [more]
Interviews mit den Regisseuren Thomas Henning und Hans-Walter Rix. [more]
Short film about the activities of the Haus der Astronomie, the Centre for Astronomical Education and Public Relations on the MPIA campus. [more]
Small compilation for the Open Day of the MPI for Astronomy and the Hauses der Astronomie on 21.6.2015. [more]
Video with Thomas Henning and Markus Feldt produced by Klaus Jäger about the remarkable instrument SPHERE (Spectro - Polarimetric High- contrast Exo -planet REsearch) at the ESO Very Large Telescope in Chile.
(Movie in German, an English version will follow) Capturing direct images of exoplanets is one of the biggest challenges in observational astronomy for two reasons. First, the difference in brightness between the star and its planet is extremely large. Second, the apparent separation of such planets from their parent star is very small, due to their large distance from Earth. Direct observations therefore require both extremely high contrast and the best possible resolution. [more]
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