Home Scientific Departments Galaxies and Cosmology Research groups Cosmological Simulations Cosmological Simulations Projections of the stellar density for stars in a cosmological simulation grouped into nine different age bins. There is a trend from round (large scaleheight, short scalelength) to flattened (small scaleheight, long scalelength) distributions, when going from old to young sub-populations where stars are at z = 0 (co-eval populations). MPIA/Stinson et al 2013 Projections of the stellar density for stars in a cosmological simulation grouped into nine different age bins. There is a trend from round (large scaleheight, short scalelength) to flattened (small scaleheight, long scalelength) distributions, when going from old to young sub-populations where stars are at z = 0 (co-eval populations). MPIA/Stinson et al 2013 Cosmological simulations give a fuller understanding of consequential factors and processes in the formation and subsequent evolution of the Galaxy.