Exoplanets III

Exoplanets III

  • Start: Jul 21, 2020 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • End: Jul 31, 2020 08:00 PM
  • Host: Cornelis Dullemond
  • Contact: dullemond@uni-heidelberg.de
Exoplanets III
Exoplanets III is the third conference in a new series that started with Exoplanets I in Davos, Switzerland in 2016 and Exoplanets II in Cambridge, Great Britain in 2018. The conference covers all fields of exoplanet science.

Exoplanets III is the third conference in a new series that started with Exoplanets I in Davos, Switzerland in 2016 and Exoplanets II in Cambridge, Great Britain in 2018. The conference covers all fields of exoplanet science.