By plane

Transfer Airport Frankfurt (FRA) – Heidelberg (90 km)

  1. Train (from Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf to Heidelberg Hbf / main train station)

    Booking via or at the ticket machines directly at the train station "Frankfurt (M) Flughafen Fernbf".

    Note: this transfer is recommended, as the "Fernbf" train station is right next to the terminals, there are many daily connections and the journey usually only takes 60 minutes. You can then take a taxi from the main train station in Heidelberg to the hotel or use local public transport

  2. Lufthansa shuttle (to Heidelberg city center) (reservation required)

  3.  Shuttle or private taxi (directly to MPIA)

    1. TLS shuttle
      Booking via TLS website:
      Fixed departure times in Frankfurt; if you miss the shuttle, you can take the next; inform TLS about any delays!
      TLS also offers individual limousine transfer: prices to be asked via their website
    2. Taxi Kunze
      Booking via email:

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