Exoplanet Atmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis

MPIA is a full member of the Exoplanet Atmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis (ExopLANETS_A) EU-Horizon-2020 funded project. In the ExoplANETS_A project, we will develop novel data calibration and spectral extraction tools, as well as retrieval methods for spectra of transiting exoplanets. We will exploit archival data from the combined ESA and NASA Space Science Data Archives (HST, Spitzer, Kepler) and produce a homogeneous catalog of exoplanet atmosphere spectra and retrieved atmosphere composition and structure. MPIA leads the ExopLANETS_A data calibration workpackage and contributes to several other workpackages. This project will provide the tools to rapidly exploit observations of exoplanet with the James Webb Space Telescope for which MPIA designed and build parts of the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI), and will be involved in its scientific exploitation. The ExopLANETS_A project will also be an excellent preparation to the exploitation of data obtained with future ESA missions such as ARIEL.