Prix de Madame Victor Noury for Myriam Benisty
Myriam Benisty, director of the Planet and Star Formation Department (PSF) at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), has been awarded the Prix de Madame Victor Noury 2024 of the French Academy of Sciences.

The Institut de France awards this prize annually at the suggestion of the Académie des sciences. The award is intended to promote the development of science, with a wide range of fields being honored over the years, from mathematics and physics to biology and medicine.
The prize is awarded exclusively to scientists who are French nationals and no more than 45 years old.
Myriam Benisty receives the prize for her highly acclaimed work in the field of planet formation research. She received an ERC Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council in 2020 to finance her research team.
The official French announcement (see here) states that Myriam Benisty is receiving the award for “her outstanding research in the fields of Earth and space sciences”. “In particular, she and her team are trying to study the early phases of planet formation by using state-of-the-art astronomical observations provided by European telescopes on the ground and in space. We congratulate Myriam Benisty on this award, which recognizes her outstanding research in the fields of Earth and space sciences!”