Felix Sennhenn received the Trainee Award 2015 of the Max Planck Society
Since 2007, the Max Planck Society (MPG) annually awards the Trainee Award for outstanding achievements in vocational training. With this award, the MPG honors not only the outstanding professional and academic performance during their training, but also the personal development and the social commitment of the trainees. The selection committee consists of four educators and trainers and one member of the Central Working Council and the Council for Trainees.
Prizewinner 2015 is Felix Sennhenn from the MPIA-group for mechanical engineering. He receives the award for outstanding achievements in the field of metal-processing professions.
Also noteworthy is that Felix Sennhenn has furthermore designed and built his own lathe in his spare time. He demonstrated the lathe at the presentation of the award. This is an exceptional performance that goes far beyond what you generally can expect from even very good trainees in this field of work.