Anica Till Received the Trainee Award 2014 of the Max Planck Society
For the eighth time, the Max Planck Society has awarded the Trainee Prize for outstanding achievements in vocational training. The winner 2014 is Anica Till from MPIA's administration department.
With the prize, MPG recognizes not only the outstanding professional performance during the training, but also the personal development and the social commitment of the trainees.
Anica Till has shown excellent performance since the beginning of her training as office clerk in MPIA's administration department. in 2013 she already received three awards:
the "Förderpreis des Unternehmenskreises Mosbach", the "Preis des Fördervereins für Bürokaufleute der Ludwig-Erhard-Schule", and the "Mosbach-Urkunde der Ludwig-Erhard-Schule" for outstanding school achievements.