Board of Directors

MPIA, as any other Max Planck Institute, is managed by its directors. Each director is a scientific member of the Max Planck Society e.V. and the head of one of the institute's scientific departments. The directors alternately act as managing directors.

Laura Kreidberg

Laura Kreidberg is interested in exoplanets large and small. Her research focuses on atmosphere characterization, with the goal of turning these distant planets into real places -- revealing what they're like and how they came to be. more

Thomas K. Henning

Thomas Henning has always been interested in fundamental physical and chemical processes. As a school student he established his own chemical laboratory and later became interested in non-linear dynamics. more

Hans-Walter Rix

Hans-Walter Rix has been working on understanding why galaxies—arising ultimately from random fluctuations in the early Universe—exhibit such intricate structure and beautiful regularity in their dynamics and stellar populations. more

Former Directors

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas K. Henning

Prof. Dr. Immo Appenzeller

Prof. Dr. Steven V.W. Beckwith 

Prof. Dr. Hans Elsässer (†)

Prof. Dr. Guido Münch (†)

Former External Scientific Members

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Böhm (†)

Prof. Dr. Walter Fricke (†)

Prof. Dr. George H. Herbig (†)

External Scientific Members

By appointing eminent German and international scientists as external scientific members, Max Planck Institutes bolster international scientific cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Conny Aerts (Universität Leuven/Radbound Universität Nijmegen)

Prof. Dr. Immo Appenzeller (Emeritus, University of Heidelberg)

Prof. Dr. Steven V.W. Beckwith (University of California, Berkeley)

Prof. Dr. Willy Benz (Universität Bern)

Prof. Dr. Rafael Rebolo (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)

Prof. Dr. Volker Springel (Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien)


Prof. Dr. Oliver Trapp (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

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